Scoping materials for funds and location

You have several options for scoping materials. Before setting these up it is important to consult with your ITS contacts to determine what works best for their location. 

  1. Develop a set of defaults. 
    • You can use the Current Acquisitions Default Funds wiki page to indicate default funds for your materials. 
    • You can also set defaults for certain categories of materials and share these rules with your ITS contacts (e.g., all English language materials should be sent to stacks). 
  2. Scope materials remotely. 
    • You can mark up a PDF of an invoice to indicate funds and locations and send this to your ITS contacts. It is best to set up procedures for doing this with your ITS contacts. 
  3. Set up a schedule or communication protocols for scoping on site. 
    • If you have materials that come in regularly it is sometimes helpful to set a regular schedule for scoping on site with your ITS contacts. To keep materials flowing it is best to have a consistent schedule. An irregular presence often results in extra work and delays for ITS staff.
    • If your materials come in less regularly, you can ask your ITS contacts to notify you when there are enough materials on site for you to scope. This would not require setting up a regular schedule but responsiveness to these communications is important. This will allow materials to be processed in a timely manner.